vineri, 31 octombrie 2008

What has my life turned out to be

I am thinking what to write about, the problem isn't that i have no idea, actually I have too many running in my mind I just don't know how to put them all in order. It's odd when I am looking in the mirror I see myself half a kid half an adult. It's quite a paradox the kid in me wants to grow up put can't cuz kids will always be kids, and the adult in me wants to be a kid again cuz it can't bear the sufferings and responasabilities of adulthood, wants to turn back but it's impossible.

So this is me stuck here in a place where I don't wanna be. How do I feel well you'b the scared to know, but I can put all in my feelings into one word: suffocated. By what, oh let's see: the appartement, the neighbourhood, the job, my family, me. I am 22 and and this is not exactly how i picture my life to be at this age.  I mean i go to work, come home, sleep, watch films, go to church...come on I feel like I already jumped to 50.

And honestly why to I have to bear others faliures, missfoutuned, loneliness's not my fault that others screwed up their lives, do I have to serve them all my life. It's not my fault they don't learn from their mistakes and move in a circle, why do they force me to move in the same circle?

I am screaming on the  inside for help I want a life...but not this one, not like this.

Who am I? I don't know I wonder, I am wating for something to happen but it doesn't, I am trying to make something happen, but it doesn't. Sometimes I feel I am cursed...I am in a box and can't seem to break through. Sometimes I am a monster who hurts others cuz she hurt, other times for a while I see the light at the end of the tunnel,but it's gone when I look again.

All I know is that I want out of the box...and i am wondering will i ever be set free. I am screaming for help does anybody hear me???? 


sâmbătă, 11 octombrie 2008

slowly going home

Many thoughts cross my mind today, there are some things that i'm slowly starting to accept, some realities that I've ignored for such a long time.

So many roads, so many calls all seem right but only one is right. I fought God for so long, I tryed living without Him and I've tasted Hell. He has put me on the ground, demanding an answer from me "Do you choose me or the world? Are you finally ready to trust Me? Can you stop putting Me in a box!"

"You know I want to Lord is just more realities seem more real than You. I know so much about You but still...I wanna go out there see the world do things that I never imagined doing, feeling free watching the ocean, running on the beach. I'm suffocating here, chained in responsabilities and things I find frustrating."

I know I lost my way.

"Will you choose Me or yourself?"

"I will....."