So this is me today...not waiting for a better tomorrow or a better year; now, at this very moment, here in my room with old and dusty furniture, and somehow that doesn't mattter anymore cuz what i know now is above all this material world. Is like i am finally accepting the idea that i have to grow up no matter how paintful it may be. Fortunatly i have a great Sculptor who knows what He's doing. Usually when i sing i focus upon myself, i imagine myself singing in front and people admiring my voice(probaly that's a hidden desire cuz i have a bad voice in many occasions), but tonight something, somehow changed. I couldn't focus too much on myself cuz my mind and heart were driven up to heaven where i saw myself in front of God's throne and all this people singing to Him, and i began one of those persons too. The feeling was amazing i could feel the Holy Spirit rejoycing in me. A thought crossed my mind from time to time "Is this what you want to be, a servent", and i said "yes, cuz that on the throne is my Creator, my Father". Cuz of that He deserves all my worship, all of me, and that's the greatest thing to serve Him. Knowing this my perspective of God and the world changed completly, what upset and disturbed me before became too meaningless compared to the glory of God that i am experiencing here and that i m gonna to experince Home. Tonight i realised i wanna be there with all my being. Understanding that i didn' t come to Him for a better lifestyle or prestige destroyed all that i' ve belived so far. Today my heart longs for Home, i wanna be there badly, in His presence...and that won't remain a feeling that comes and goes but it will become a lifestyle.
Un comentariu:
amin to fain gandesti si ce fain sentiment sa faci tot ce ai rob al lui Hristos...a life completely given to Him is a blessed life...:*:*:*:* love ya
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